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“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

 — Mahatma Gandhi

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 In case of a Mental Health Emergency, contact 911 or the following resources:

  • Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

  • Georgia Crisis and Access Line (GCAL): 1-800-715-4255

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                                        State of Georgia COVID-19 Hotline: (844) 442-2681

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APS Social Workers Create Special Video 

APS school social workers are professionals who exhibit care, love, compassion, leadership, kindness, and dedication in their work with thousands of students across our District. In response to COVID-19 and in an effort to give staff and families a better idea about who they are, several APS social workers recently created a special video titled, "Love, Laugh, Live, Learn ... We Will Get Through This Together." Be sure to view it here.

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For Tips and Activities during your summer break :) 

(link at top of page)

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Full Day School-Age Care Programs and Financial Assistance for Families

Hello families:

The Georgia Department of Education has provided support and financial resources that can potentially support you and your child(ren).  Please find below resources for school-age care programs and obtaining financial resources.

Finding Full Day School-Age Care Programs

The following two resources can help families identify providers in their area who offer care for schoolaged children during the work day and can help with distance learning.  

  • Georgia’s 1-877-ALL-GA-KIDS hotline can help parents find providers in their area who offer care for school-age children. Referral specialists will share contact information and other details about providers to help families find the best fit.  

  • Families can also visit to search for providers in their area. When using the search engine, families should select the “fulltime care for school age children” option.

The hotline and the website will generate a list of state licensed or licensed-exempt child care programs monitored by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL). 

Obtaining Financial Assistance

Beginning September 1, 2020, financial support will be available for eligible families of students whose schools are operating on a virtual learning-only model. With funding from the Governor, DECAL has created the Supporting Onsite Learning for Virtual Education (SOLVE) Program that provides scholarships to cover the cost of out-of-home care for students ages 5-12 who are engaged in virtual learning. These scholarships are available to families whose incomes do not exceed 85% of the State Median Income, who meet an activity requirement, and who select an eligible provider. Parents may apply for a SOLVE Scholarship by visiting Additional information on this program is available at or by calling 1-833-4GA-CAPS. 

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Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation

Families can call 404.521.0790 for eviction, and/or rental assistance. 

Familias pueden llamar al 404-521-0790 para asistencia sobre eviciones y alquiler. 

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Happy Family


Ser Familia, Inc., es una organización dedicada al fortalecimiento de las familias latinas con programas que les proveen herramientas para prosperar y disfrutar de hogares sanos.

Durante la temporada Covid-19, puede llamar a Ser Familia al 678-363-3079 para obtener información de recursos para:
* asistencia de alquiler
* asistencia de servicios públicos
* asistencia SNAP
* asistencia de comida
* ayuda con violencia doméstica

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Check out all the happenings here at North Atlanta Cluster in our news section below. You’ll find important announcements, key updates and much more. Take a look and check back often to never miss a beat.

Girl at the Grocery Shop



Atlanta Public Schools and outside organizations are offering food distribution at sites around Atlanta.

 Click on the link below to learn more about APS Food Distribition sites and Non-APS Organizations providing food distributions services. 

To help locate additional sources for food

text FINDFOOD to 888-976-2232  |  enviar un mensaje de texto leyendo COMIDA a 888-976-2232

Image by Ajai Arif



Families who receive gas/electricity through the Atlanta Gas Light and Georgia Power Company, services will not be terminated due to nonpayment amid COVID-19. See the link for more information:

Image by NESA by Makers



North Atlanta High Social Worker and Counselors will have blocked hours to schedule one-on-one virtual check-ins with students for emotional support.

Reach out to grade counselor via Remind.

Reach out to School Social Worker via email

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                                                  APS Social Workers Mobilize during Convid-19

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Image by Edwin Macalopú Diaz



Free-bagged Meals (Breakfast &
Lunch) delivered to APS North
Atlanta Cluster Communities.

Bolsas de comida gratis (desayuno y
almuerzo) distribuidas en comunidades
de la Zona Escolar de North Atlanta

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Transportation Assistance

United Way is providing one free Lyft ride for a doctor’s office or food pantry visit. Parents can request this service by calling 211.

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For parents

Children and teens react, in part, on what they see from the adults around them. When parents and caregivers deal with the COVID-19 calmly and confidently, they can provide the best support for their children. Parents can be more reassuring to others around them, especially children, if they are better prepared. 

Here are some resources you may find helpful for managing stress and anxiety during this difficult time. stressanxiety.html

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Image by Kaylee Garrett


Managing anxiety during the COVID 19 outbreak

March 15, 2020

Wayne State University-School of Social Work

COVID 19 continues to spread, and efforts to contain it have led to profound disruptions in many of our lives. For students of all ages in-person classes have been canceled, teachers are asked to transfer their teaching to on-line platforms, schools and businesses are closing, and we are instructed to engage in “social distancing” to prevent the transmission of the virus. This potential threat about which we have limited information, rapidly changing and disrupted routines, along with distance or the threat of distance from loved ones are the types of situations that easily contribute to many of us experiencing anxiety. And for those who struggle with anxiety even before these recent circumstances the current environment can certainly make that worse.

Anxiety is a feeling of fear in response to a perceived threat, and usually comes along with thoughts or beliefs that this situation is beyond our resources or ability to cope.

Anxiety is a feeling of fear in response to a perceived threat, and usually comes along with thoughts or beliefs that this situation is beyond our resources or ability to cope, which is why we feel overwhelmed when anxious.

We experience anxiety through physical symptoms such as sweating, increased heart rate, or upset stomach. Anxiety might show up as racing thoughts, mental confusion, avoiding things, freezing, or an inability to decide on the best course of action. Anxiety may also lead to consequences which impact interpersonal relationships as we tend to become irritable and preoccupied with ourselves when we’re anxious.

But anxiety can also be adaptive. As organisms we experience anxiety for good reasons. In optimal doses anxiety can motivate us to action. Because of anxiety we prepare for the unexpected and, sometimes for the worst-case scenario. Anxiety helps us pay attention and increases our focus, as our senses become more watchful for evidence of the potential threat. It also reminds us that we perhaps need to protect ourselves from some real harm.

So, how can we use the adaptive capacity of our anxiety to help us cope with the current threat? Well, in fact, there are lots of ways that we can use the adaptive capacity of our anxiety while managing the less adaptive aspects of our anxiety.

Does this information help me feel prepared and armed with knowledge or helpless and more anxious?

Intellectual Curiosity. Many of us will spend a great deal of time following the spread of the novel coronavirus and the public health response on social media, getting each moment's play by play, and consider ourselves informed. Managing your anxiety, however, may require that you spend less time following social media posts about this health crisis, and more time actually learning about it. Limit your time on social media platforms that offer endless discussions about the spread of the virus.  Ask yourself, “Does this information help me feel prepared and armed with knowledge or helpless and more anxious?”  Useful knowledge helps us feel prepared and guides us toward developing a plan to respond to the demands of the situation. Intellectually learning about the virus from reputable sources; how it spreads and how to decrease risks associated with it,  helps us to prepare; whereas endless speculation on Facebook and other social media platforms may diminish efficacy and increase paralysis.

Action. Anxiety often makes us want to DO something. So, go ahead and DO something. No, you can’t do anything about the virus. But there are many things that are under your control. For example, make a list of small businesses in your area that you’d like to support through this crisis. Many small businesses may need to close at some point or will have fewer customers. See if you can buy a gift certificate from them on-line to help support them through this.

Take action related to your health. Sleep, nutrition and moderate exercise all help our mental health and our immune systems. Take these steps to build resilience. If you’re stuck at home, identify a project you’ve been putting off or neglecting and take action.

Exercising the feeling that we have some choice and some control helps decrease anxiety.  Identify one thing that you can take action on and do it. For those oriented toward social action, call your representatives and ask them to support policies that protect and support vulnerable citizens during times like these.

Altruism. Doing something for someone else is a powerful antidote to anxiety. Anxiety triggers our survival response system causing our perspective to narrow. As our perspective narrows we become even more anxious and a self- perpetuating cycle of anxiety begins. Focusing on helping others, automatically shifts and widens our perspective to include other people, other information, and other input besides our own fear-based thoughts. Widening our perspective helps to decrease our anxiety. Those of us who are social workers or in other helping professions know the experience of greater expansiveness and decreased repetitive anxious thoughts when focusing on others.

So, give yourself that experience and ask yourself,

“Who can I help today?”

*Do you know someone who will have trouble getting to the store to buy supplies?  Can you do it for them?

*Do you know someone who lives alone and may be even more isolated as social events are increasingly canceled?  How can you help them feel less lonely?

Research tells us that altruism helps the help giver as much as the help receiver.

Gratitude. The Zen monk and mindfulness master, Thich Nhat Hanh asks a profound question, “What’s NOT wrong?” Anxiety causes us to scan our bodies and our environment for whatever is wrong, internally or externally. Let’s face it, if we’re always looking for something that’s wrong we are bound to find something. The question, “What’s not wrong in this moment?” allows us to focus our minds on searching for whatever is OK in this moment. Once you identify those things that are OK in this moment, or even pleasant in this moment; cuddling your child; petting your dog; hearing your favorite song; concentrate on savoring it. Focus your attention on that pleasant experience using all of your senses in the moment. Marvel in the delight of having the experience. Consider it an exercise.  The more you practice it, the easier it becomes and the less room there is for anxious thought processes.

Being in the moment. Mindfulness is another tool that can help us recognize when we are feeling anxious. It can help us respond wisely rather than react rashly to anxiety. Mindfulness refers to the act of paying attention in the present moment with an attitude of curiosity and non-judgment. The following are some exercises for mindfulness during stressful times,

  • Just this moment: When you are feeling overwhelmed by information about the virus, take a moment to pause, stop and, listen. Think about just this moment. What is happening in your environment in this moment, with you? Notice how you feel-physically and emotionally. Use your senses to notice what is around you. Welcome difficult moments with friendliness and curiosity. Try to take one moment at a time.

  • Mindful walking: Take some time to go for a mindful walk in nature, whether that’s in your neighborhood or in the woods. This can be helpful if you’re feeling cooped up inside or need to get out of a ruminating thought pattern. Feel the fresh air, even if it’s cold. Notice the first signs of spring, like- buds on trees and green shoots in the soil. Notice the rise and fall of your feet, your gait, the movement of your arms and legs. Notice your breath. Have gratitude for the ways your body is able to move.

  • Do just one thing: This can be a chaotic time, with many situations in your family, at work, and in school changing rapidly. Remind yourself to focus on one thing at a time. What can you take action on in this moment? What can you let go of until another day? Do you need to ask for help?

  • Radical acceptance: Taking the approach of radical acceptance can be important when dealing with an overwhelming situation. It is about recognizing and accepting the truth of the situation, even if it is difficult. It is about letting go of fighting to make things out of our control different. It’s also no longer burying our head in the sand. For example, it is not continuing with our daily routine like nothing has changed. Many of our typical routines have now changed, but this doesn’t mean barricading yourself in your house with a month’s supply of food either. It is not passive resignation. It is recognizing what is and where we can act and respond according, such as through the Action or Altruism points above. It is realizing what is out of our control, but also what is within our control.

  • Breathe: Notice your natural breathing. With anxiety, our breathing tends to be shallow and only in our upper chest. Don't judge how you breathe or if it’s hard to notice it. Take a few moments to become aware of it. If you’re able, try to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth with a big sigh. Do this a few times and see if you can slowly lengthen and deepen your breathing. Try making your exhale longer than your inhale, which can activate the parasympathetic nervous system (our “rest and digest” mode of our autonomic nervous system). Visualize your lungs filling with air on the inhale and emptying on the exhale. Place one had on your heart and one on your belly, noticing any gentle movements (and it’s okay if it’s hard to notice anything!). Notice the gentle weight of your hands on your body and use this soothing touch to give yourself compassion.

  • Compassion: Can we meet our anxieties and our struggles with compassion, knowing what we’re feeling is a normal response to a stressful situation, rather than judging or fighting against our feelings? This is a time to treat ourselves and others kindly, recognizing that we're in a moment of suffering, we're all dealing with this together and, that we're trying the best we can. Take a moment right now to notice how you feel in your body and emotions. Remind yourself it is okay to feel however you are feeling. Perhaps talk to yourself in a gentle, soothing way, like you would soothe a small child.

In the end, while we may have little control over our circumstances, we do have control over our responses. Compassion, presence in the moment, altruism, and action align with our social work values, and offer powerful responses to our present circumstances.

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Allie Garland

Schools: Morris Brandon Elementary


Lisa Jamison

Schools: Bolton Academy,

Garden Hills, Jackson, & Smith E.S.

Daniel Mathieu

Schools: Sutton Middle School   

Gayle Roque

(404) 802-4777 or (678) 590 2227

Schools: North Atlanta High School

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Love ~ Laugh ~ Live ~Learn... We will get through this together!

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